When you register your team, your name will initially be on each ticket purchased. You'll then receive a follow up email where you can assign passes to your colleagues. This can be done at any time up until 5 days prior to the event. To ensure you receive these emails, please unblock the senders no-reply@eco.iqpc.com and noreply@wbresearch.com prior to registering.
Conference price subject to 20% UK VAT
*If payment of a booking is not received at the point of registration the booking will be subject to a processing fee of £49 plus VAT
Cheques are not an acceptable payment method.
You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here.
*A qualified brand or retailer is not: Any service provider to business-to-consumer organizations. Including software vendors, internet developers, technology vendors, solution providers, third party logistics providers, consultants or companies with primary revenues resulting from commissions, subscriptions and/or advertising. Worldwide Business Research reserves the right to make the final decision on who qualifies as an F&B brand and retailer and enforce the rate they deem correct.